Checking Spotify connection ...
And look for sisters.
Welcome {{state.spotify_user_display_name}}!
Please create a public Spotify playlist with name SongSister (uppercase is important) because such a playlist does not exist yet.
Your data will be saved in Google Drive in a file called SongSister.json. You have to allow SongSister to read and write its song data.
State of sync: {{state.google_sync_info.last_message}}
The website connects us with people, locations, stories. Via music. It is like a diary but every entry in the diary is connected to a song. Thus, in comparison to a normal diary, we can listen to our diary every day.
Note: There will be a video to explain it ... at some point of time. But for now the explanation is the text below.
There are multiple ways to use the website. Here we describe one way.
Whenever we attend a gathering that is worth remembering, we ask an attendant to share a song with us, and a small story that belongs it. The story can be really long or as simple as "it is one of my current favorite songs."
Such a gathering can be for example a birthday party, a meeting with some friends or some club event. We don't add anonymous sisters to the diary. So the first name of the song sister, the song contributor, should be known. A weekly work meeting does not count, unless there is something special to remember, like a promotion or a farewell.
A single song per gathering is enough.
We manually add new songs to the playlist SongSister, via Spotify. After this, we go to the SongSister website to add the context, the sister's name, the event, the location and the story.
We listen to the playlist during our daily life, via Spotify. If the list becomes too long, songs of the previous month are moved to a new playlist. The name of the new playlist contains that month and some keywords that belong to the gatherings of that month. Example: 2023 June - Future Friday Fusion.
We add a similar song instead. And we note down the name of the original song in the field 'story'.
If you want to help us to integrate SoundCloud, let us know. We don't have any plans to integrate Apple music until Apple starts to pay taxes.
First, SongSister does not store any of your data. Your data is NOT transferred to the SongSister server, not even to logs. Your data lives in three spaces:
We understand your concern. Google drive was chosen because many people have a Google account and can use it here to store their data.
If you have alternative suggestions for a data storage, please let us know. For example, practical tips for how to store the data in the fediverse, are welcome.
Storing data comes with a lot of responsibilities, legal and technical. The best way to protect data from being stolen and to prevent abuse is to not store it.
Additionally, SongSister is an independent service without financial sources, especially it will stay free of commercial advertisements. Having no storage cost minimizes the cost of the service.